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Natural Gas Remedies

gasI blogged about natural remedies for gas and bloating a few years ago and it was a hit. So here are 5 new remedies to try:

1)      Chamomile tea

In my last blog I suggested peppermint tea as a solution…well if you are not a fan then chamomile is a great alternative. Chamomile is antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and relaxing! Peppermint tea is better for gas caused solely by indigestion but chamomile can help with gas due to indigestion as well as heartburn.

2)      Eat pumpkin

Gas is usually caused by improper food digestion. When food does not break down in the small intestine, it goes into the large intestine where natural bacteria feasts on it. As a by-product they produce a variety of gasses. Pumpkin is helpful because it can reduce the amount of gas created. Eating about a cup of pumpkin with your meal can help ward off gas. Try making a pumpkin pudding for dessert!

3)    Chew food thoroughly

In most cases, gas is created when we are having a hard time breaking down food. If you chew your food thoroughly you will digest it faster and it will pass through your body smoothly. The more food sits in your intestines the more gas gets built up and needs to be expelled.

4)      Drink warm lemon water

A glass of warm water with lemon every morning not only helps with easing your gas pain but also has a great detoxifying effect on your entire body. Lemon helps the liver enzymes work more efficiently and stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid which is what breaks down our food. More HCL can lead to less gas and bloating.                    

5)      Eat some anise seed

Anise has anti-spasmodic properties and helps to relax your digestive track. The relaxation also helps with cramping. Try adding anise seed to ground beef or turkey or add it to boiling water to make a tea.

                Gas is embarrassing but it is also natural and we all experience it. Hopefully some of these natural remedies can help keep your digestive system in line. Good luck!

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